UD engineering students named Innovation Fellows
December 3, 2018
Four University of Dayton Engineering students were named University Innovation Fellows last week by The Stanford University Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.
The global fellows program empowers student leaders to engage peers in innovative, creative & entrepreneurial endeavors in order to develop the design-centered mindset required to solve 21st century challenges, according to the program website.
Jennifer Winn, Sydney Szafarski, Ian Sikora and Evan Krimpenfort are among 358 students from 96 higher education institutions in 16 countries named to the latest class of Innovation Fellows, and the fourth group of UD students tapped for the program.
The cohort wants to create a UD course in innovation, entrepreneurship and design, and an annual “design-a-thon,” both of which will be open to students across all majors. They also want to bring an innovative- and entrepreneurship-focused TedX event to campus, according to UD’s website.
Prior Fellows cohorts have worked to better coordinate collaboration in the UD School of Engineering’s Kettering Labs, develop a student-run project incubator, curate a database of innovators students can tap for mentorship, develop an entrepreneurship course for freshmen, establish and engineering & innovation learning living community, and incorporate art into engineering programs.
For more information on UD’s work to instill an entrepreneurial mindset in its students, click here.