Meet Adrian Shurgill, pub food connoisseur
December 20, 2023
Adrian Shergill has always had a passion for food. Two years ago, the passion led he and his wife, Maggie, to open a Bristish gastropub in Enon, OH.
But opening day at The Last Queen didn’t exactly go as planned.
“Should I tell you about our first day? So you have to take into context that we’ve never ever run a pub before, ever,” Adrian begins. “So we’ve done our rehearsal with friends and family, that went reasonably well, we tested everything. And you know, the clock’s ticking, it’s 3:30, 3:45, everything’s good to go, everyone’s happy. We’re going to do this.”
But a minute or two before doors opened, the pub’s ticketing system went down.
“So all these people come flooding in, and our computer system is completely crashed,” he said. “It was possibly the worst thing that could have gone wrong, because that’s the information that the back of the house needs.”
They scrambled around, made things work. And then two hours into dinner service, the system came back online.
“All the tickets came up on our screen, and it it was a nightmare, because we didn’t know what we’d done and what we hadn’t done,” Adrian recalled. “So the very first day of opening was, if anything could have gone wrong that you wouldn’t want to have gone wrong, it went wrong.
But we dusted ourselves off and carried on.”
Check out Adrian’s full story in the latest episode in our I Am an Entrepreneur series.https://launchdayton.com/video/adrian-shergill-i-am-an-entrepreneur-ep-25/