Copacetic Aesthetics offers branding + wellness
June 7, 2022
By Katie Aldridge
Copacetic Aesthetics aims to meet branding + wellness needs for the mompreneurs making moves.
Founder Bunny Roberts is a graduate of Early Risers Academy, a 10-week business-building class powered by Launch Dayton partner Parallax Advanced Research. We recently caught up with Bunny to learn more about Copacetic Aesthetics and her entrepreneurial journey.
Launch Dayton: How did your company start?
Bunny: I started in 2017 doing freelance marketing work while working on a marketing degree. As I went through more classes and graduated, I realized that I liked doing branding more than marketing. I did branding for a few years and found that there is a wellness aspect that is needed so people can understand how to put their soul into their branding to attract their target audience.
Why this idea?
I started my first business back in 2013, I had a skin care line. I decided to do that because my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I wanted to get her as healthy as possible. She convinced me to sell the product I was making for just her, my sister, and me. I sold that business, but throughout that experience, I found the part I liked the most was the marketing and branding, so I pursued that in the end.
What identities do you bring to entrepreneurship that helped prepare you for this lifestyle?
I have done a lot of random things before I ended in this business. I had the skincare line, I went to school to be a pharmacy technician, I went to be a cosmetologist, I dabbled in psychology for a minute. Being in so many industries first-hand over time gave me the experience I need to work a variety of clients as I do branding and marketing.
What is the biggest barrier you’ve faced in entrepreneurship?
I would say being a single mom. It’s really hard to choose between working another 140-hour week or setting aside time to spend with the kids. I am comforted by the fact that the grind part is temporary, and I am so close to the smooth sailing.
Why do you love what do you?
I love to help people. I think I dabbled in so many industries because I was looking for the best way to help the most amount of people without it being too taxing on me. This is the closest I’ve gotten to that.
What advice would you offer fellow or aspiring entrepreneurs?
Start with your “Why.” A lot of people start with a business idea that will make a lot of money, but that is unsustainable. If you can start with “why” you want to open a business, you’re more likely to have longevity in it. People see entrepreneurs and assume that being an entrepreneur is better than being an employee. It’s up to you and what caters to your personality to make you happy. It’s okay if you try to start a business and it didn’t work out, as long as you’re happy with what you’re doing.
How did you get connected to the Launch Dayton Community?
I also have a nonprofit in West Dayton where we were working on community gardens before COVID hit. At that time, Jazz Stewart, was dabbling in gardening. She went through the program to make her business what it is now. She told me that it would be really great for me, so that’s why I joined.
How was your Early Risers Academy experience?
It was phenomenal. I met a lot of great people as well as getting a lot of good information. It is really hard to work on your business when you’re working in your business. Having that dedicated time each week to do work for myself was really impactful.
Connect with Bunny online and on social media.