QCA Entrepreneur Boot Camp
May 16, 2017
Thinking of starting a business? Just launched and looking to grow? Queen City Angels Enterpreneur Boot Camp could be an opportunity to help you take the next step. Check out details of their two day course here.
Meet and ask questions of headliner entrepreneurs, network with fellow founders, and learn!
More than 100 entrepreneurs, angel investors, mentors, and business experts from across the region will assemble in Cincinnati to help you get your startup “started” and refresh your thinking about your business at the 17th Annual Queen City Angels’ Entrepreneur Boot Camp, June 6-7, 2017. The intensive two-day workshop was created in 2001 for early stage growth companies and future entrepreneurs. The event has evolved and adapted to changing times. This year’s session will continue with increased emphasis on lean methodologies. Other topic areas include, intellectual property, strategic marketing, contracts, building your teams, social media, financials, and how to pitch angel investors. In addition to a full agenda of educational sessions and panel discussions, entrepreneurs and start-up founders will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one (in most cases one-on-three) with local angel investors and business experts for advice and mentoring.
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