October 19, 2016
If you were around North Main Street at any point on the morning of Oct. 14th, you probably noticed the line of people outside of the Victoria Theater. Most of them wrapped in their fall jackets, anxiously waiting for the TEDxDayton team to open the doors to the 4th annual Dayton TED conference. As the doors began to open, people bustled into the theater to get their complimentary coffee and breakfast. People began mingling and networking over coffee all morning.
“People want to have challenging conversations about where we’re headed, and they’re looking for new ideas. This event brings new perspectives to the table and asks questions we haven’t thought to ask” said the Co Chair of TEDxDayton, Ron Rollins in a press release earlier in the week. Needless to say, he was correct. People took their seats and began preparing for the day.
Many talks throughout the day inspired people to begin tweeting and using the #TEDxDayton2016. At multiple points throughout the day, #TEDxDayton2016 was the number 2 and 3 top trending hashtags in the nation! Lots of talks and performances were given throughout the day, coming to a total of 24! Everything from privacy law to Islamiphobia was discussed on the stage. Every speaker seemed to engage the audience and bring their thoughts and feelings to life. If you haven’t ever experienced a TED talk in your life, I encourage you to take a look at TEDxDayton’s website and see their talks from previous years. This year’s talks will not be available to the public until later in the year.
Awesome first talk by Scot Ganow from @FICPrivacy! Great start to #TEDxDayton2016. #knowledgeispower
— Dayton Tech Guide (@DaytonTechGuide) October 14, 2016
Scot Ganow, an Attorney in the field of Privacy Law spoke on privacy and how it’s changing in our technological world.
The United Nations has declared use of the internet a human right. Tyler Back of @mitosiscreative #TEDxDayton2016 #FunFactFriday pic.twitter.com/eQ2Lzq2Ae3
— TEDxDayton (@TEDxDayton) October 14, 2016
Tyler Back spoke on the internet of everything at TEDxDayton2016.
He learned 3 things: Purpose, Gratitude, and Self-Discipline. Inspirational! Robert Owens at #TEDxDayton2016. #KnowledgeIsPower #Change pic.twitter.com/6xMPSW5tUU
— Dayton Tech Guide (@DaytonTechGuide) October 14, 2016
Robert Owens engaged the audience by speaking on the 3 principles he lives his life by: Purpose, Gratitude, and Self-Discipline.
Overall, TEDxDayton is getting bigger and bigger every year. It’s bringing in people looking to be engaged with other thinkers,doers, and people who want to change their community.
Written By: Austin Rains, Dayton Tech Guide Marketing Associate