Predicting the state of our nation with Cognovi tech – Twitris
October 12, 2016
What if there was a technology that could analyze the “twittersphere” in our world? One machine that could look through every hashtag or tweet on a certain topic. Well, there is, and it’s called Twitris.
Twitris allows you to see what is trending in any part of the world, at any time and in a much more in-depth way. Cognovi Labs, currently has this technology and is using it to predict and analyze the social media web on current important topics, specifically, in the state of our nation’s politics. Cognovi Labs was launched in February of 2016 in Dayton, Ohio and is an IKOVE Venture Partners Startup Nursery™ portfolio company. According to the Cognovi Labs website, Twitris provides a“Side-by-side comparison of sentiment and emotion analysis of [a] brand and [its] competitors.”
“Twitris is a licensed technology and based out of Wright State University” says James Mainord, COO at IKOVE Venture Partners. It was created by Dr. Amit Sheth, an educator, researcher, and entrepreneur. He is the LexisNexis Ohio Eminent Scholar, an IEEE Fellow, and the executive director of Kno.e.sis, which is a multidisciplinary Ohio Center of Excellence in Biohealth Innovation involving computer scientists, biomedical researchers, and extensive clinical collaborations.
In the earlier portion of May, 2016, Cognovi Labs began a Brexit monitoring campaign. They began looking at the various indicators to predict the outcome of the Brexit vote: Sentiment, volume, and emotion. On the day of the election they witnessed a consistent sign of a pro-leave movement. “It was about a 60/40 split early on in the day, and about 4 to 5 hours later we saw that the leave movement won” explains Mainord. By collecting and analyzing social media data they were able to better predict the outcome of the Brexit vote.
Cognovi Labs is now following the U.S. Presidential Election, and has been since October 2015. “Most recently, we have been following the V.P. Nominations…we can look at the sentiment on Trump and Pence, just as we can see the same for Clinton and Kaine,” Mainord stated. “At the last couple of debates we have been observing the trends of certain topics versus actual candidates, like Syria or healthcare.”
So what is Twitter sentiment telling us so far about the candidates and who is most likely to take the White House?
Check out the Twitter emotions as they were observed during the first two debates:
December 9, 2016
8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Dayton Masonic Temple
Written By: Austin Rains, Dayton Tech Guide Marketing Associate