Flyer Angels (UD)

Flyer Angels is a seven-figure private equity fund that invests in high-tech startups. It is one of only a handful of programs nationwide that allows undergraduates to make angel investments.

Through this opportunity, University of Dayton students analyze deal flow, conduct due diligence and make decisions to invest in the portfolio companies. Flyer Angels invests in nascent (typically pre-revenue) ventures, considered to be knowledge-intensive/high tech, and either based in Ohio or otherwise has a connection to UD (e.g. alumni). They may invest in either seed rounds, “A” rounds, or may also make follow-on investments.

Selection to Flyer Angels is competitive, and incoming students are selected by graduating students after application and interview. The program was started after a generous contribution by UD alumnus Ron McDaniel.

Contact Info

(937) 229-3731

[email protected]

Company Details

Type: Investment / Fund / Venture

Location: Dayton, OH


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