Volunteer roles open for Dayton TECH CORPS Hackathon
October 2, 2018
Registration is live for students and volunteers to participate in the hackathon TECH CORPS will run for 75 Dayton-region high school students this fall.
The hackathon will give students the chance to learn about computer science in a fun and engaging environment that promotes diversity and inclusion. Sinclair Community College will host the event, Friday, Nov. 16, 6-9pm and Saturday, Nov. 17, 9am – 4pm.
During the hackathon, students will learn to use MIT App Inventor to create and develop a mobile app that tackles a real-world need. Students will work with peers and technology professionals and advocates from the region.
Winners from Columbus, Dayton and Zanesville will receive a cash prize and go on to a final competition in Columbus on Dec. 8. Each member of the finale-winning team will receive $500.
There are three volunteer roles available for adults who want to support and participate in the hackathon:
- Judge — Judges will view and assess presentations and provide feedback based on a predetermined rubric including creativity, students’ ability to explain, and real-world application. Judges should have technical expertise in programming or app development & be available Saturday, Nov. 17 from 1:30-4pm.
- Tech Mentor — Mentors will provide support for five-student teams. Mentors should have energy and enjoy working with teenagers and be available Friday. Nov. 16, 6-9pm and Saturday, Nov. 17 from 9am-4pm. Dinner Friday and lunch Saturday will be provided.
- Logistics Volunteer — Logistics volunteers assist with setup and breakdown of the event, registration, etc. Shifts are available Friday from 5-7pm and 8-9:30pm and Saturday from 8-9:30am, 11am-12:30pm, and 2:30-4:30pm.
To volunteer, visitbit.ly/TCHVol2018 by Wednesday, Oct. 10
TECHCORPShack is a TECH CORPS signature program, supported by AT&T. TECH CORPS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring K-12 students have equal access to technology programs, skills and resources that enhance early learning and prepare them for college and career.
To apply for this event, students should visit bit.ly/TCHack18 by Wednesday, Oct. 10. Students will be notified of selection by Wednesday, Oct. 24.
For more information about TECH CORPS, visit www.techcorps.org.