TEDxDayton hosting info session for potential speakers
March 11, 2019
Want to speak on the TEDxDayton stage, but not sure your idea is on the right track?
No formal program, drop in anytime to chat one-on-one about your idea, your application, the speaker process…whatever you want to know!
TEDxDayton’s mission is to bring the spirit of ideas worth spreading to deep conversation and connections within the community. The event will feature TED’s signature format of brief talks, demonstrations and performances meant to inspire learning and curiosity while encouraging meaningful conversation.
This year’s speakers will take the Victoria Theatre stage on Friday, Oct. 11. The theme is “CONNECT.”
TEDxDayton is looking for diverse topics from diverse speakers who can deliver a focused, thought-provoking message in about ten minutes. Aspiring speakers should apply here by March 24.