Tech recruiters, nursing moms, healthcare workers could benefit from August Early Risers
August 25, 2020
Our August Early Risers pitch event will be virtual — join us Friday morning to hear how three local startups are looking to make moves in the tech recruiting, moms’ apparel and COVID treatment spaces.
Pitches will start promptly at 8a. You’ll meet:
• Chiora Waters & Heshima, a veteran-owned apparel line designed for nursing mothers;
• Luis Estevez and AIMM, developing a self-disinfecting N95 respirator mask;
• & Aaron Davis and Recless Tech, his platform that pays tech people to connect their peers to jobs.
Early Risers is a morning pitch series that connects entrepreneurs to the things they need most, like first customers, key employees, mentors, funding, and more. Each startup gets 10 minutes to pitch, then the audience gets 5 minutes for Q&A.
In the last three years, 90% of startups have gotten their ask granted through a connection made at Early Risers. So pop online and find a place you can plug into Dayton’s startup community!
Let us know you’re coming! Register here.
Want to pitch Early Risers? Click here.
Want to sponsor Early Risers (and get two minutes in front of the audience)? Click here.
Hope to “see” you Friday!