6 Reasons You Should Get a Business Mentor

March 29, 2022

As a small business owner, your time is precious. You’re often wearing all the hats to keep your business going. And yeah, of course you’ve heard you should get a business mentor — but is it really worth your time?

We’re here to let you know — yes, absolutely. Here are six benefits to having a business mentor:

  1. Mentors help you dream bigger. They bring an outside perspective that can challenge you to consider new strategies and processes, so you can work smarter, not harder. In the Launch Dayton Mentor Network, our mentors help mentees pursue specific growth goals to help you move your business forward.
  2. Mentors help you avoid costly mistakes. Mentors have been there, done that. They can share first-hand examples of unexpected things that went wrong so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.
  3. Mentors offer access to wider networks. In the Launch Dayton Mentor Network, we pair you up one-on-one with business owners who are further along than you. When you work with them, they can help you tap their extensive networks to reach decision makers and potential partners. They can connect you to the right people to scale your business.
  4. Mentors provide one-on-one support and expertise. When you join the Launch Dayton Mentor Network, you commit to spending at least two hours per month meeting with your mentor — and they commit to spending at least two hours with you. That means you’ll have their undivided attention, and they will tap their years and decades of experience to help you work on your business instead of just in it. They’ll advise you on how to implement strategies that fit your specific circumstances in order to grow your business.
  5. Mentors provide accountability. Participating in a mentor network isn’t a one-off meeting with a business leader. It’s an ongoing process. After they give you that amazing advice, they’ll follow up with you to see if you actually implemented it, and they’ll help you overcome any new challenges you discovered when you tried.
  6. Mentors help develop you, not just your business. Mentors have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Even if it’s not all applicable to your business right now, it’s knowledge you can store in your toolbox to tap when you need it, helping your confidence as a founder and business owner to grow.

Curious what a mentor match can do for you and your business? Learn more and apply for the Launch Dayton Mentor Network here!