Ohio Third Frontier funds available for prototyping
June 7, 2019
Ohio Third Frontier’s Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF) is designed to create greater economic growth in Ohio by supporting start-ups that commercialize tech developed by Ohio universities and nonprofit research institutions.
Funding is available to develop prototypes to prove commercial viability of these technologies so start-up company can take off.
Two Dayton companies, Endo Guidance Technologies & Strong Plastics, won more than $100K each for prototypes in the last round of TVSF funding.
Ohio Third Frontier is accepting proposals for its latest round of funding. Questions about the fund can be submitted in writing through June 21. Proposals for this round (round 20) are due by 2pmĀ on June 28. Awards will be announced in October 2019.
Round 21 will open immediately after round 20 awards are announced. Proposals will be due by 2pm on Oct. 18. Awards will be announced in January 2020.
Round 22 will open at the top of 2020. Proposals will be due by 2pm on Feb. 21, 2020. Awards will be announced in April 2020.
For more information, visit https://development.ohio.gov/bs_thirdfrontier/tvsf.htm.