APPLICATIONS OPEN: Ohio program reimburses companies for summer internships
January 21, 2020
Want to hire a diverse group of summer interns for your tech needs?
Or, want to build your resume at a cutting-edge company this summer break?
Ohio Third Frontier’s Diversity & Inclusion Technology Internship Program reimburses companies two thirds of an intern’s salary, up to $10,000. Qualifying companies may hire up to three interns. Internships pay at least $15 per hour.
Applications for companies wishing to participate opened today, Jan. 21. Companies that wish to hire interns through the program should apply by Feb. 14.
Tech companies, or simply companies with a tech need, are eligible for the program.
It’s a great opportunity for students to get paid work experience at a cutting-edge company and for tech companies to shake up their usual intern pool to increase the mix of voices in their projects.
For more information, visit techintern.development.ohio.gov or email Diversity_inclusion_internship
Students in any degree program are eligible. Interested students should apply by between Feb. 3 & Feb. 28.