Adyptation tapped for prestigious OCEAN accelerator
December 18, 2018
Dayton entrepreneur Ryan Jankord and his company Adyptation will be representing Dayton in Cincinnati next year as one of 10 members of the fifth cohort of the high-tech, faith-based OCEAN accelerator program.
Adyptation is the first Dayton company accepted for OCEAN’s prestigious program, which runs January through May. When each company graduates the accelerator, it receives $50K in seed money in the form of a convertible note.
“It’s a fantastic opportunity, we’re really excited,” Ryan said.
Adyptation builds software to help individuals and their doctors manage chronic illness by analyzing data collected by various kinds of wearable sensors. They’re targeting holistic health practitioners and direct care providers to use the tech to help individuals understand their overall health in order to identify triggers.
OCEAN is a faith-backed accelerator — an organization “where faith and entrepreneurship intersect,” states its website.
The accelerator is open to everyone, and the entrepreneurs accepted into the program will have challenging conversations about their core missions, OCEAN CEO Scott Weiss told the Dayton Tech Guide previously. The accelerator curriculum also focuses on investor readiness, value proposition design, and revenue assumptions.
This faith-based component appeals to Ryan.
“”They’re really intentional about developing the leadership of the people they’re working with in cohorts,” he said.
OCEAN’s leaders ask how they can develop the business leaders to have integrity and operate their businesses in a way that is valuable to others, their employees, customers, neighbors, he continued.
“That very much aligns with our values as a company and what we want to accomplish and do,” Ryan said. “We need to know how to operate, build the business, communicate to others, but also we need to be stewards of this company, this opportunity we’re provided.”
On average, between 150 & 200 startups apply each year. Of the 40 companies selected for the last four years of cohorts, about one third have been international, one third have been from the Cincinnati region, and another third have been from elsewhere in the US, including Georgia, New York, California & Washington, D.C.
About two thirds of those companies remain in Cincinnati after the accelerator is finished.
Additionally, about 60 percent of OCEAN accelerator alumni successfully raise money after the program — the average raise is $700K.
Ryan is most excited to be working full-time with his cofounder to move the business forward, and to be part of the cohort experience, surrounded by other founders experiencing similar struggles who can share, encourage and learn from one another, he said.
This acceptance into the OCEAN accelerator is also an important validation of Adyptation’s potential, he said.
“We are where we are because of the support of the Air Force Research Lab and other government and military agencies,” he said. “But this is the first validation outside the military, and we’re very excited.”