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Date: March 4

Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Cost: $5

WiBN Women to Watch/Women of Impact Reunion

We were thrilled to recognize you (or are recognizing you this year) as a WiBN Woman to Watch or Women of Impact honoree. One of this year’s honorees, Amanda DeLotelle from Miami Valley Meals, is excited to host an event just for all the honorees through the years. Register today to join us…

All classes of honorees are invited to gather at this event, which will have Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) theme. Come enjoy refreshments and connection with other honorees. Who knows there could be some beads and a Queen Cake (instead of a King Cake since it’s Women’s History Month).

We will also be doing a supply drive for this organization at the event. Attendees are encouraged to bring rice, pasta and dried beans. Bulk sizes are appreciated.

We look forward to spending this evening with you. Register today as this event is limited to 30 honorees.

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