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Date: October 11

Time: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Cost: $60

Organization, Time Management and Delegation Skills

Overview – In this session, led by Lindsay Pitstick, M.Ed., Business Coach and Facilitator, participants will learn strategies, tactics and tips on organization, time management and delegation in order to build a personalized strategy to support their growth in leadership. As we become responsible for more than just our own individual contributions, thinking critically about delegating (when, how and to whom) both our time and tasks is what separates the good from the great. Attend and commit to assessing and enhancing your skills in these areas.

What You’ll Receive – Slides and Handouts from the presentation.

Who Should Attend – Anyone who leads staff and volunteers!

Featured Facilitator: Lindsay Pitstick, M.Ed. Business Coach and Facilitator

Cost & Registration – $60 for session & materials

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